Analyst Enterprise

Analyst Enterprise

Complex mechanical and electrical system reliability analysis in a simple visual environment from a single-line reliability diagram. Powertechnic’s Analyst Enterprise is the next generation release of the unique Analyst simulation technology. Analyst remains the only software capable of simulating complex electrical and mechanical systems without the inaccuracies and complexities of reliability block diagrams (RBDs).

Analyst Enterprise is - an Analogue & Monte Carlo System Reliability Simulator. It combines continuous and discrete-event simulation seamlessly.

Why choose Analyst Enterprise?


Analyst Enterprise (AE) is firstly software for the reliability analysis of electrical and HVAC systems. Underneath the hood however, it is unlike any other reliability software on the market. AE allows users to create reliability models using single line reliability diagrams (SLRDs). It is this feature that enables many new and exciting applications. Here are some unique applications that have been enabled by AE:

Virtual Stress-Testing

AE has been used to build working single-line simulation models of live systems. The models were used to undertake virtual stress-testing of complex missioncritical power and cooling infrastructure. Virtual stress-testing has revealed hidden weaknesses that were used to implement risk-mitigating corrections to the facility.

Virtual Reality Training of UPS Systems

One client utilised the highly visual single-line models which are also capable of analogue simulations, to connect AE to a virtual reality application through a database. This was done to provide realistic training to UPS operators by simulating actual real-time conditions.

Programming Real-World PLCs

AE has a programmable logic controller (PLC) component. Clients have used AE’s PLC to draft out programs for programming real-world PLCs. The benefit of using AE is that programmers have a fully functional single-line model to work with to ensure all potential scenarios are allowed for in the program. With AE’s interactive single-line models, users can manually test PLC programs for faults in a highly visual environment.

Reliability of Telecommunications Networks

Telecommunications networks typically consist of thousands of small, inter-connected and inter-dependent battery systems. AE has been used to carry out reliability simulations (simultaneously and with actual site data) across entire networks providing insights never before possible. AE’s battery component can reliably emulate different kinds of batteries and DC systems providing deep drill-down into the cost/reliability energy makeup of billion-dollar Telco networks.

Real-Time Monitoring of Data Centre Reliability

The reliability of critical power and cooling systems must be designed into a facility prior to implementation but that’s not where it stops. Data Centres undergo constant changes due to changing site loads impacting the resiliency of power and cooling. As faults occur the data centre is subjected to new risk scenarios. Despite these ongoing threats, who monitors the reliability of an operating data centre to its original design reliability? How do you know when a threat occurs, just how far below the designed reliability of your data centre you are operating? AE can provide real-time monitoring of the reliability of a data centre through database connectivity to actual site conditions alerting to changes in reliability below that originally designed.